Parish FAQs

Thank you for your interest in the Church of the Resurrection! Our "Frequently Asked Questions" are answered below. We will continue to add new FAQs as needed. Browse our navigation menu above to learn more about specific ministries, opportunities, and our parish. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us!

I'm new to the Church of the Resurrection. What do I do to get started at the parish?

Welcome! We're glad you're here! Follow this link to get started!

How do I contact the parish office?

Visit our Contact page for office hours and contact information. If you need to contact a specific staff member, visit our Staff Directory or School Faculty & Staff Directory.

I'm in need of assistance. How can I get help?

Visit our St. Vincent de Paul page to learn more about our food pantry, and other ways we can help!

Does Resurrection have specific COVID-19 protocols?

Yes, please visit our COVID-19 protocol page to learn more.

Can someone pray with me?

Yes! Please learn more about our prayer ministry sessions and sign up. We would love to pray with you, for you, and for your intentions.

Why does the priest at Resurrection face away from the people during part of the Mass?

This is called "Ad Orientem." What that means is that at times during the Mass, especially during the Eucharistic Prayer, the priest and the people face in the same direction, toward the “Liturgical East.” Learn more about Ad Orientem here.

At Resurrection, why is "healing" mentioned so often?

In a talk before the Mass for Healing of the Family Tree, on March, 24, 2018, Fr. Steve Mattson explained the dynamics behind "Healing of the Whole Person," using Dr. Bob Schuchts' model. The talk explains how we are initially wounded and hurt in life and how our persistent sin arises from those wounds. Fr. Steve then went on to explain how the Lord can break into our suffering and sin and heal us, thus bringing about freedom in our lives, which in turn gives us the opportunity to grow in our relationship with the Lord and pursue holiness. Listen to the talk by Fr. Steve. Learn more about the Healing Ministryat Resurrection.

Does Resurrection have Religious Education classes?

Learn more here about Religious Educationat the Church of the Resurrection.

How do you prepare children for their Sacraments?

Learn more here about Sacramental Preparation at the Church of the Resurrection.

I'm not Catholic. How can I become Catholic?

If you are an adult who is interested in becoming Catholic or are interested in completing your Sacraments, learn more here about our OCIA program.

I'm gluten-intolerant. Are gluten-free hosts available?

Low-Gluten Hosts are available during Mass. You will need to come for Holy Communion to the priest in the center aisle where he as a separate pyx with low-gluten hosts available.

Can someone bring me Communion?

If you know someone who is ill at home or in a nursing home and would like to receive Communion, please contact the parish office.

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