We love that you have a heart for service! Join us as we serve our community and give back to those most in need. There are many ways to serve with your time and talent, and there are also many ways to give of your treasure. Consider donating to St. Vincent de Paul, the Parish Sunday Offering, our school, or contributing to Diocesan appeals. Learn more about online giving. Thank you for your service and generosity to the Church of the Resurrection and our community.
Our Welcome Ministry wants everyone who comes to the Church of the Resurrection to know they are most welcome. If you are new to the Church of the Resurrection, we would love to meet you! We are glad you are here! Please register with the parish and contact Meredith Spalding at the parish office, (517) 482-4749, for more information about how you might get involved. If you wish to volunteer as a member of the Welcome Ministry and learn about ways you can help, please contact Meredith as well.
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. We have a food pantry with both food pick-ups and deliveries available. We can write vouchers that can be redeemed at the SVdP store on Washington Avenue in downtown Lansing. Vouchers could be used for furniture, clothing, and household goods, as well as other items. We can also help with eviction problems, shut-off notices, and certain other items. Follow the link above for more information on volunteering. For help from the St. Vincent de Paul Society call (517) 371-4380.
Welcome to the Knights of Columbus Msgr. John A Gabriel's Council #11099 at the Church of the Resurrection. We pride ourselves on being a Catholic men's organization that is involved in parish activities and works of goodwill at Church of the Resurrection and in the immediate Lansing area. Our presence is noted in various meal functions, the annual parish festival, altar duties, ushering, funeral necessities, and encouragement to those in need. We are a brotherhood of like-believers that worship together. While we stand ready to assist any way we can, we know that our fellow brothers in Christ can be counted on for any help we may need. This source of confidence strengthens our individual efforts and lends itself to the greater good. Learn more about our organization here: http://kofc11099.org. For more information, please contact John Gordon at [email protected].
The purpose of the Altar Society at the Church of the Resurrection is to care for the altar. We purchase items used in the celebration of Mass, including altar breads for communion, candles, and incense. We also decorate the altar for holy days and perform weekly cleanings. Our goal is to enhance the spiritual experience at Mass for parishioners and visitors. The Altar Society hosts various fundraisers and social events. Download a PDF of this year's brochure and take our Time & Talent Survey (used to connect parishioners with service projects or Altar Society circles). All women in the parish are asked to become a member by paying the $5 annual dues, which you can give online. If you have any questions, contact Altar Society President, Joyce Richardson, at [email protected] or 517-614-4902.
*Homebound ministry is currently suspended due to the COVID crisis*
"I was sick and you visited me..." The Homebound Ministry at the Church of the Resurrection exists to ensure that our sick and homebound parishioners are included in the Sacramental life of the Church. Specially-trained Eucharistic Ministers take Holy Communion to the sick upon request. If you have a homebound member of your family who would like to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis, please contact the parish office. If you would like to become involved, either as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion bringing the Holy Sacrament to the homebound, or simply as a visitor, please contact the parish office.