Raising boys to become men

Homily Series: Male-Female Differences

The politically incorrect message of the gospel.

Fr. Steve wishes all fathers a happy Father’s Day!

He then delivers a homily on fathers, masculinity and the aggressive attack on men’s identity by the transgender culture.

During his homily, Fr. Steve refers to insights from Leonard Sax, Ph.D.; M.D. author of Boys Adrift and Why Gender Matters, George Gilder's Men and Marriage, and Anthony Esolen's recent article “What Mothers Cannot Give to Their Sons,” which address the "gender gap" and the dangers for boys in our time. Boys require good male role models in order to grow up with a healthy sense of their own masculinity and with an opportunity to develop manly character traits.

This healthy Christian view of the roles of men and women is being attacked by the culture, which says that being a wife and mother is a waste of a woman’s talents and that men should take on feminine values and outlooks. The culture keeps boys boys. They do this by substituting real male influences with computer games where boys feel manly only in a fantasy world. Boys also come to love passive computer images instead of having real relationships with real women.

Many women have no one to marry, because men have not grown up into men. Fr. Steve exhorts fathers to help their boys become men who can marry and be fathers themselves. And he quotes from “Mere Christianity,” by C.S. Lewis, on the headship of the husband in a marriage.

Lastly, Fr. Steve exhorts fathers and mothers to figure out a way of encouraging our boys to become men.

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