Join us, Sept 19, for a Solemn Prayer Assemby at the Capitol
While Lansing is not signed up for a full 40 Days for Life Fall campaign, we invite people to come out and pray as they can during the national 40 Days for Life campaign. We are planning on being an official site for the Spring Campaign.
Sept 12th was the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Bishop Earl Boyea celebrated Mass at the mausoleum in St Joseph Cemetery at 10 AM. After Mass, a Catholic rosary procession was held between the two gravesites where over 50 aborted babies are buried.
On Sept 19th, there will be a Solemn Prayer Assemby beginning at 1pm on the State Capitol steps. The prayer assembly is focused on the issues of Life, Marriage, and the fate of Persecuted Christians around the world.
The first week of October will bring the annual LifeChain.
May your days be Blessed. We hope you are able to attend one or all of these events.
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