Pope Francis has called for a worldwide synod, asking us to listen as the entire People of God, to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. We do so by listening together to the Word of God in Scripture and the living Tradition of the Church, and then by listening to one another.
Parishioners are asked to:
1. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit if there are people in your life who are struggling with/disconnected from the practice of the Catholic Faith, that the Lord would want you to have a conversation with
2. Grab a synod conversation guide at your parish - available here: https://www.dioceseoflansing.org/sites/default/files/2022-01/Synod-Conversation-Guide_0.pdf
3. Invite one or more of these people into conversation about their experience with the Church using the conversation guide
4. Upload feedback from conversations to the diocesan synod portal using the QR code or web address on the back of the guide by April 29, 2022: www.dioceseoflansing.org/synod